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영어회화 실력을 급상승 시키는 구동사 500개 정리 1부 (ft. Buttonup English)

by W.H. 2023. 10. 9.

영어회화 실력을 급상승시켜줄 구동사 500개 정리 1부입니다. 다음 표현들은 영어로 어떻게 표현하는지 알아보고 연습해 봅시다.



잠시 들르다: stop by

가게에 들러서 우유 좀 사올래요?

[] Would you stop by the store and get some milk?

[] Can you stop by the store and buy some milk?



잠시 들르다: swing by

집에 가는 길에 빵집에 들러 빵좀 사갈게요.

[] I’ll go get some bread on the way home.

[] I’ll swing by the bakery to buy some bread on my way home.



잠시 들르다: drop by

도움이 필요하면 언제든지 사무실에 들러주세요.

[] Please drop by the office whenever you need help.

[] Feel free to drop by the office anytime if you need help.



잠시 들르다: come by

오늘 밤 우리 집에 저녁 먹으러 오는 거 어때?

[] Why don’t you come by my home for a dinner tonight?

[] Why don’t you come by my place tonight for dinner?



취소하다: take back

어제 한 말 취소할게요.

[] I’ll take back what I said yesterday.

[] I take back what I said yesterday.



반품하다: take back

티셔츠가 맞지 않아서 반품해야 해요.

[] I gotta take back the t-shirt because it’s too small.

[] I need to take back the T-shirt because it doesn’t fit.



설정하다(설치하다): set up

비밀번호를 설정했어요.

[] I set up the password.

[] I have set up a password.



작성하다: fill out

신청서를 작성해 주세요.

[][] Please fill out the application form.



찾다: look for

뭐 찾아요?

[][] What are you looking for?



잘 되어가다: work out

잘 될 거예요

[] It will work out.

[] Everything will work out.



지치다: burn out

일로 인해 정말 지쳤어요

[] I got burned out by work

[] I’m really burned out from work



창업하다 start up

내년에 창업할 계획이에요

[] I’m planning to start up a business next year

[] I’m planning to start up my own business next year



큰 소리로 말하다 speak up

좀 더 크게 말씀해 주시겠어요?

[] Would you speak up please?

[] Could you please speak up? I can’t hear you.



다시 전화하다 call back

나중에 다시 전화할게요

[], [] I will call you back later

다시 전화해 주세요

[] Could you call me back later?

[] Please call me back



심사숙고하다 sleep on

좀더 생각해 볼게요

[] I will sleep on it

[] Let me sleep on it











해결하다 figure out

제가 해결방법을 찾아보고 알려 드릴게요.

[] I will find the ways to figure out and let you know.

[] I will figure it out and let you know the solution.



시작하다, 진행하다, 먼저 가다 go ahead

자료 발표를 시작해 주세요.

[] Please go ahead the presentation

[] Go ahead and start the presentation



준비하다 get ready

잘 준비해. 늦었어.

[] Get ready. It’s late.

[] Get ready to go, we’re running late.



놀다 hang out

나중에 쇼핑몰에서 같이 놀래?

[], [] Do you want to hang out at the mall later?



고장나다 break down

공항 가는 길에 차가 고장나지 않았으면 좋겠어요

[] I hope my car doesn’t break down on the way to the airport

[] I hope the car doesn’t break down on the way to the airport



계속하다 go on

계속 얘기하세요. 듣고 있어요.

[] Please go on. I’m hearing.

[] Go on with your story, I’m listening.



(무슨 일이) 일어나다 go on

무슨 일 있어?

[], [] What’s going on?



조심하다 watch out

조심해요. 길이 미끄러워요.

[] Watch out! It’s slippery.

[] Watch out! The road is slippery.



존경하다 look up to

저는 항상 아빠를 존경해 왔어요

[], [] I’ve always looked up to my dad



무시하다 look down on

다른 사람들을 업신여기지 마세요

[] Don’t look down on other people.

[] Don’t look down on others.



놀라다 freak out

방에 거미가 있어서 놀랐어요

[] I got freaked out by the spider in the room

[] I freaked out when I saw the spider in my room



지원하다 apply for

구직 신청을 할 거예요

[] I’m going to apply for jobs

[] I’m going to apply for a job



나눠주다 hand out

행사에서 전단지를 나눠줄 거예요

[] I’m going to hand out flyers at the festival

[] I’ll hand out the flyers at the event.



나눠주다 pass out

선생님이 학생들에게 시험지를 나눠 줬어요.

[], [] The teacher passed out the test papers to the students.



기절하다 pass out

그녀는 더위로 인해 기절했어요

[] She passed out because of the heat

[] The heat was so intense that she passed out



실망시키다 let down

저를 실망시키지 마세요

[] Don’t let down on me

[] Don’t let me down



계속하다 keep on

계속해서 연습하면 나아질 거예요

[] You’ll be better if you keep on practicing

[] Keep on practicing, and you’ll improve



유지하다 keep up

잘 하고 있어요

[], [] Keep up the good work



치우다 put away

장난감을 정리해 주세요.

[] Please put away the toys.

[] Put away your toys.



제자리에 갖다놓다 put back

책을 다 읽은 후에 제자리에 놓아주세요

[] Put the books back after reading

[] Please put the books back on the shelf when you’re done



깜빡 졸다 doze off

순간 깜빡 졸았네요

[나] I dozed off for a while

[버] I dozed off for a second



도전하다(노력하다) go for

넌 할 수 있어 도전해봐

[] You got this. Go for it.

[] You’ve got this, go for it!







가지고 나가다 take out

쓰레기를 내다 놓으세요

[] Take out the trash

[] Please take out the garbage

포장해 갈거예요

[] I’m taking it out

[] It’s for take out

(실생활에서는 It’s to go, Can I get it to go?를 더 많이 씀)



꺼내다 take out

소지품을 전부 꺼내주세요

[], [] Please take out all your belongings



빼다 take out

드디어 사랑니를 뺐어요

[] Finally I took out my wisdom teeth

[] I finally had my wisdom teeth taken out



방향을 바꾸다 turn around

방향을 바꿔요. 길을 잘못 들었어요.

[] We should turn around. We took the wrong way.

[] Turn around, we’re going the wrong way.



뒤돌아보다 turn around

잠깐 돌아봐요

[], [] Turn around for a second.



올리다 put up

경찰이 손을 위로 올리라고 말했습니다.

[] The police told me to put my hands up

[] The police officer said, “Put your hands up!”



돌아가다 go back

제자리로 돌아가 주세요

[], [] Please go back to your seat



갚다 pay back

가능한 빨리 갚을게요

[] I will pay back as soon as possible

[] I will pay you back as soon as I can



차를 도로 가장자리에 세우다 pull over

경찰이 저에게 차를 도로 가장자리에 세우라고 했어요

[] The police officer said, “Pull over the car!”

[] The police officer asked me to pull over



입어보다 try on

이 드레스를 입어볼 수 있을까요?

[], [] Can I try on this dress?



영상 확인: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNJHbd8aEt0

영어회화 구동사 영상


